Rotten Movies We Love Guilty Pleasures SC (C: 0-1-0)


Ever been crushed to learn your favorite movie, or a new one you're dying to see, has been given the big green splat from Rotten Tomatoes' infamous Tomatometer? The site's editors stand by their critics and scores, but they also feel your pain: Fresh films shouldn't get all the glory! In Rotten Movies We Love, the RT team celebrates 101 Rotten movies that can't be missed, including box office behemoths that bombed with critics like Space Jam, sci-fi treasures so bad they're awesome like Masters of the Universe, rare Rottens from Fresh directors such as Marie Antoinette, deeply beloved cult classics like Empire Records, underrated gems ahead of their time such as Event Horizon, and sequels worth a second look such as Jurassic Park III. It's a fun romp through the quirkier corners of film history, sure to delight any cinephile or pop-culture fanatic.

  • Publisher: Running Press
  • Product Code: AUG192180
  • Expected Ship Date: 10/9/2019
  • Regular Price: $22.99
  • DCBS Price: $16.09
  • You save 30%!
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